Friday, July 17, 2009

I do tattoos, too

Well, I can design tattoos. No needles for me! My friend forever, Kelly, asked me to design a tattoo for him, complete with my signature on it. What an honor! Thank you Kelly!

Dining with Friends

I was asked to be a part of an art project this winter that brought artists together for an amazing cause. HIV and AIDS awareness. Careteam, a local non-profit organization whose mission is to create awareness to stop the spread of HIV has an annual fundraiser each year called, Dining with Friends. They asked local artists to paint plates to be auctioned off at their event. My plate (front and center!) made the cover of The Weekly Surge, a local alternative magazine.

My AMAZING Art Students!

A few months ago I held a six week art class on my dining room table of all places! (if you knew me, you would say there is no other way! Art for dinner, anyone??) It turned out to be a simple gathering of friends all supporting one another in their creation. We shared a lot of laughs, paint palates and plenty of wine. At the end of the class their work was displayed at Coastal Carolina University's drumming recital. It was great fun for some and for others has turned into re-discovering passions of the past.

My Kids, My Life

Talk to any parent and they will tell you that their biggest inspiration is their kids. My kids remind me to do crazy things, like build forts in the middle of the living room, or how bad it hurts when your heart breaks for the first time. Watching them discover their lives right before my eyes is my biggest inspiration of all.

The coolest store ever, Random (located at The Market Commons) is carrying my artwork again. Random carries everything from urban to chic to vintage. They have something for everyone, including an original Kimberly Dawn!

Noah Bug

I painted this of my son Noah. He is a "little me." :) Makes me smile just to think about those blue eyes. The words below make a grand attempt at capturing his essence, but maybe because I am his mom, I am a little biased.
He's an imp and an angel,a dreamer, a tease
An explorer of meadows, anda climber of trees.
A runner of errands, anddoer of chores.
Who tears his best trousers, andtracks up your floors.
He's a solemn young man withsome mud on his feet,
And a daredevil riding hisbike down the street.
A bundle of questions, whowants to know "why",
The world goes around andthe stars fill the sky.
But adventurous, timid, excited or quiet,
There's nothing so new that he won't care to try it.
And just when your temper andpatience wear thin,
He'll look up at you with an innocent grin.
And your heart melts again with your real pride and joy,
In that mischievous, wonderfult reasure--- your boy!!