You painted a full length mirror for me about a year ago and I LOVE it. I was pregnaat at the time and now have my little boy. I'm wanting so badly to do a cool spot on his wall where we can track his growth. That's all I know. Do you have some cool ideas and maybe you do stop by one day and make it happen! Thanks, Kim
I have found art to be my one true unconditional love.It has been with me through all of my most intimate thoughts.It has seen my ugly and my sweetness. It gives me peace of mind and brings out the best in me.It is one thing that never fades.
"One's art goes as far and as deep as one's love goes. " ~Andrew Wyeth
You painted a full length mirror for me about a year ago and I LOVE it. I was pregnaat at the time and now have my little boy. I'm wanting so badly to do a cool spot on his wall where we can track his growth. That's all I know. Do you have some cool ideas and maybe you do stop by one day and make it happen!